Itay Gonda Lab
Genetics and genomics of aromatic and medicinal plants

Volcani center

Itay Gonda, Ph.D.
Group leader

Itay Gonda, Ph.D.
Group leader
Characterization of the active compounds in species belonging to the genus Hypericum that are native to Israel. The plant Hypericum perforatum L., also known as Saint John's wort, contain several active compounds with hypericin being the most studied being helpful for mild to moderate depression. This project aims to use metabolic diversity within the genus to elucidate the biosynthesis pathways of hypericin.
Breeding for coriander and basil with prolonged shelf-life utilizing broad genetic diversity and wild genotypes.
Understanding the underlying genetics and genomics which designed chemical variation in seed spices from the Apiaceae family.

Association mapping for color and aroma traits of sweet basil among F2 segregants. MLM analysis for methyl chavicol (Thai basil aroma) accumulation (top panel) and bract leaves color (bottom panel) along basil genome scaffolds. Different scaffolds are displayed in different colors and shapes. SNPs calling and MLM analysis were performed with Tassel.